The Innate Power of Salmon in Hokkaido
We paid attention to innate power of the salmon returning born river with the aid of sense of smell. Using a unique production method in our manufacturing plant, we succeeded in the extraction of “proteoglycan”: a functional material from salmon nasal cartilage.Un-denaturated Proteoglycan already exists within the human body, and is an indispensable material for maintaining health and youthfulness. Currently, we offer our main products derived from salmon nasal cartilages following:
(1) SCP Complex-LS: food material for health, contains Un-denaturated Proteoglycan 40% and Un-denaturated type Ⅱ & Type XI collagen 40%
(2) Proteoglycan-LS: food material for drink, contains highly purified (93%) Proteoglycan
(3) Proteoglycan AQA-LS: cosmetics additives
In cooperation with universities and private research institutions, we accumulate the evidence of the functionality of these productions.

[食品用途として] | ・SCPコンプレックス-LS (非変性プロテオグリカン:40%、非変性Ⅱ・Ⅺ型コラーゲン:40%含有) |
・プロテオグリカン-LS(非変性プロテオグリカン:93%含有) | |
[化粧品用途として] | ・プロテオグリカンAQA-LS(水溶性プロテオグリカン:1%水溶液) |
Details of Our Products
By using nasal cartilage from fresh Hokkaido chum salmon, we extract and purify high quality functional materials such as “Proteoglycan” and “Un-denatured type Ⅱ and type Ⅺcollagen” using a unique production method in our manufacturing plant. In addition, we are developing and manufacturing the functional materials from natural raw materials in Hokkaido. In cooperation with universities and private research institutions, we accumulate the evidence of the functionality of these productions. We accept to consigned produce health food and cosmetics, which utilized those functionality productions.
[Food use] | ・SCP Complex-LS (contains Proteoglycan 40% and Un-denaturated type Ⅱand typeⅪ collagen 40%) |
・Proteoglycan-LS (contains Proteoglycan 90%) | |
[Cosmetics use] | ・Proteoglycan AQA-LS (contains Proteoglycan 1% water solution) |